
I got:

  • A bruise on my knee from when Wisco's dorm mate tripped me while moving a monitor.
  • A shirt that reads "scenevakt" (stage security) on the front and back.
  • A cut on my elbow from when I hit it against a door putting said shirt on.
  • To move guitars.
  • Cranky. I've had insomnia for the past week. I can't get to sleep before 2 or 3, and then I wake up at 7.30 or 8. I became really tired as scenevakt, perhaps because Blind Archery Club and Grand Island don't really do much for me. Okay, they are good musicians, but their tunes don't move me. Watching the audience really enjoy themselves was good. Until it was the 'I don't want to go home' handful that were keeping us from washing the floor and getting to
  • A beer.
  • A ride home.

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