
a non-comprehensive guide to drink

It's not that I like to get tanked. If fact, this became a particularly poignant issue for me precisely because when I drink it is because I enjoy the taste of a beer, wine, or whatever. Norway just doesn't have good beers available, and when they import, they are pretty much just importing the common stuff. You can find Heineken here, I think I've seen Pilsner Urquell. But if one is not a particular fan of pilsner, Norway is not the country to spend extensive time in. The British, though, are good for an ale, so when I came this time it was a particular goal of mine to pick up some good beers. I managed to find an independent wine shop by accident while I was walking by Holyrood Park, and I would recommend visiting either to anyone who visits Edinburgh. I picked up some really good Scottish ales to bring back to Norway, and I shared one with a friend this afternoon while we were trying to get through an obnoxious bit of project work. We were drinking Cairngorm's Trade Winds, but my collection features more from William's Brothers Brewing including a Heather Ale, A Gooseberry Lager, and the seaweed beer Kelpie. I have only had the Heather and the Trade Winds so far, but I drank both of them at near to room temperature and they had excellent flavor. Drool...

1 comment:

Muggie said...

Cat is going to be so jealous.